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浏览量:358 | 2022-11-08 点击查看


景观中国(LANDSCAPE CHINA)是中国景观设计行业知名门户网站。专业提供景观规划设计、风景园林规划设计、城市规划设计、建筑设计等相关新闻、图片、论文、案例、考察、培训等行业综合资讯。自2003年创办以来,以服务行业、传播先进理念为己任,为学科建设和行业发展作出了开创性的贡献。-景观设计_风景园林_城市规划案例_建筑设计图片_中国景观行业门户网站_景观中国

浏览量:348 | 2022-11-08 点击查看


久久建筑网主要栏目有,建筑标准图集规范下载,图片集下载,建筑论坛,建筑资料,建筑规章标准,建筑图纸,土木工程资料,建筑方案,建筑设计,建筑图纸,施工组织设计,建筑资料下载等版块的综合性建筑类行业网站。久久建筑网 www.99jianzhu.com

浏览量:251 | 2022-11-08 点击查看



浏览量:292 | 2022-10-11 点击查看


浏览我们社区建筑师发表的数千个项目,设计师和建筑。 完善您的照片,专业技能,兴趣特征,联系信息和社交网络帐户。你也可以创建一个为您的团队或公司的专业形象。 丰富您的个人资料,会有更多的人能欣赏你和你的工作! 发布您的项目和标记你用的产品,就像你标记你在facebook上的朋友。图像,渲染,CAD,信息,新闻等工具。 在你的个人博客讲解项目,设计,场所和一切有关你的工作和你的建筑和设计的热情! 最好的讲解会出现在我们的主页! Browse thousands of projects published by our community of Architects, Designers and Architecture lovers Complete your profile it’s your business card! Complete your profile Complete your profile with photos, professional skills, interests, contact information and social network accounts. You can also create a professional profile for your team or company. The richer your profile, the more people can appreciate you and your work! Publish your projects it’s your portfolio! Publish your projects Publish your projects and tag the products you used, just like you tag your friends on facebook. Images, renders, cad, info, and news are just some of the available tools. That\'s the best way to provide visibility to your work. Write a blog story it’s your speakers\' corner! Write a blog story Write a story in your personal blog. Projects, events, designers, places and everything related to your work and your passion for architecture and design! The best stories will be featured in our homepage!

浏览量:271 | 2022-02-18 点击查看


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浏览量:282 | 2022-02-18 点击查看

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